Share word lists with your friends via AirDrop

Wokabulary makes it very easy to exchange words with your friends or classmates.

Send words to somebody else

  1. Simply filter for the words you want to share in the vocabulary view
  2. Tap the share button in the toolbar and select Share words…
  3. Share the generated CSV file with your friend via AirDrop or using your favorite messenger

Screenshot of Wokabulary, with highlighting on the Share toolbar button

Screenshot of Wokabulary, with the share sheet being active, and with highlighting on the AirDrop icon

Receive words from somebody via AirDrop

  1. When you receive a CSV word list from somebody, the System will offer a list of apps to open it with. Select Wokabulary
  2. Wokabulary will show a preview of the words, so you can review them before starting the actual import

Schreenshot of the AirDrop Open-with dialogue on iPhone

Screenshot of the words import preview view in Wokabulary

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